sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

It was a dark and stormy night when suddenly the phone rang. I was at home alone because my parents were in a meeting. I picked up the phone and somebody told me he was a man who had no money, and he asked me to give him money. I was terrifield. I picked up the phone and I called my mother while the man kept touching the bell. My mother didn't answer because the phone had stopped.
I called my father and I explained everything, he told me to look out of the window to see who it was, I looked and I didn't see anyone. The man wasn't longer there and I could be calmer, and I could continue playing on the computer. But when I was playing whit the play, all of a sudden I heard the bell again. Luckily my parents were there.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009